Wednesday, January 28, 2009
One of Two Chinese New Year's
Every year we go to two Chinese New Year's. One is here in our town at the Chinese Restaurant and the other one is in Cambridge at the Chinese Restaurant. Robin and myself are from the Cambridge area so my Mom and sister joins us each year. It is so fun to see all these beautiful little girls growing up.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Addison's Birthday Tea Party
I am not a big birthday person that goes all out for their kids birthday so Sydney (my grand daughter) came over and the girls had a Tea Party. I went to Goodwill and bought some clothes and a teapot and just like that we had a Tea Party. Addison and Ali had so much fun helping me set it up. They were so excited to get dressed up. They tried on what they were going to wear the night before and when the girls woke up the next morning Ali said, "Wake up Addison, today is your Tea Party". I also bought each of the girls a little purse filled with makeup and perfume (love the dollar tree). We put all the clothes and hats in there toy room so they could pretend that they were going shopping and pick out what they were going to wear. The only thing that I wish I would have done was changed the menu. I only planned this the day before her party so I had already bought stuff to make pizza. If I had it to do over again I would have had little finger food, but it didn't make any difference to the girls, they had a ball and got to pour tea from there Tea Pot and drink punch from wine glasses.
Here's our table before the guest arrived
Friday, January 16, 2009
The DS Dilemma
I am sure everyone reading this knows what a DS is. Well, maybe not because I only realized what they were a few months ago. I knew my Grandsons had them but, I was not sure what they were. It didn't take Addison very long here in the states to know what a DS was and know that she wanted one. She wanted one in the worse way for Christmas. Now ,they are a little expensive and the games that go with them are also expensive. Ali also wanted a DS for Christmas but, I didn't feel she was ready for one yet so V-tech makes a hand held game that I thought I would be able to pass off as a DS for 4 years olds. Well, that plan only worked for a couple of weeks when Ali got to following Addison around begging to play her DS. It was non stop everyday begging and begging. Addison was so good letting Ali play the DS but, I was a nervous wreck because I was afraid that Ali would break it and Addison would be devastated. When I would tell Ali to go play with her 4 year old DS she told me that it was Daddy's DS. Daddy made out with Ali's misfortunes from Christmas. He now has a V-tech and Spongebob operation game that Ali was terrified of. HA! So the moral of this post is we have spoiled girls and Ali has her own DS. I don't know who was more excited about Ali getting a DS Ali or Addison because she doesn't need to share anymore.
Ali fell aleep playing Addison's Ds while she was at school
laying across the bar
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tentative Surgery Date
We have a tentative surgery date for Feb. 27th. There is a possibly that there will be a cancellation and we can be moved up to Jan. 28th. We are really hoping for the Jan. date because the Dr. said that Addison will be in recovery for 6 weeks and I don't want her to miss to much outside time. She just loves riding her bike and playing outside. The Dr. is going to repair both feet so it looks like she will need to be in a wheelchair for awhile. I really hate to put her through it but, I know we will be glad we did it after it's all over. The Dr. said he wouldn't be able to make her feet perfect but, he was pretty sure that he could make them better, and that is all we want.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Getting Addison's feet fixed
Addison was born with Club Feet, and when she was 4 years old she had surgery in China. Even though we are thankful for the surgery that she had we don't feel that it was a success. She still walks with some problems. We took her to a specialist when we first came home with her a little over a year ago and he told us he could do some repairs but, there was no hurry. We decided to wait until she was with us for awhile and gained a little weight. (She was so tiny when we got her). We have decided to go ahead and put this behind us and fix what can be fixed on her feet. We have an appointment in the morning, Jan. 12th at Akron Children's Hospital to see when and what is going to be done. I really hate to put her through this but, I think she will thank us when she gets a little older. I will post more later on what the Dr. had to say.
You can see she can't put her heels down. The right one is actually up about 2 inches.
Playing in the Snow
The girls have waited and waited for it to snow enough that they could play outside. We were suppose to get this big snowstorm so building a snowman was on the agenda. It ended up only snowing a couple of inches and before the girls got outside we had some freezing rain on top of it so the snow turned into a crust, but we still had to go out and stomp around in it
Friday, January 9, 2009
My Pride and Joys
Needless to say this is what I live for Everyday
My grand-daughter and my Mom
(Her great granddaughter)
My grandson, Is he a doll or what?
Look out girls!!!!!!!!!!!
The Christmas Season
The girls and grand-daughters in a car going to town
Oh to be young again!!!
in the Town Christmas Parade. It was bitter
cold that night and by the end of the parade Ali
wasn't a happy present
We had the Grandkids and our girls sing before they could open presents Christmas Eve
Everyone has said that there is a stage in Ali's future but we just don't know what kind of stage. The girls are in a Hip Hop dance class and there dance studio picked some of the classes to do a Christmas show. Well, of course both of the girls classes were picked for the show. A Year Without A Santa Clause was the show they did. Addison was a Heat Miser and Ali was a Dog and preformed to Who Let the Dogs Out. It was a really cute show and both girls did good. Some of the classes were even picked to go to some of the local elementary schools the day before Christmas break and preform for the kids. Addison was one of the dance classes that went. She really thought that was something. The girls are done with dance class for a while because of getting Addison's feet fixed. We plan on returning again in the fall but, the girls haven't decided what dance class they want to take. They really want to do gymnastics.
We are now considered Seasonal Campers

This new adventure of ours started this September. We have friends that bought a camper and a pontoon this last summer. We ran into them one day and they invited us to there camp site and also took us a ride on there pontoon. Well, from that point we were hooked. The next thing we knew we were in the market for a camper. Being rookies at this we bought the first camper that we found. It was a fifth wheel camper and at the time it looked like it was plenty big enough. It was a older camper but was in very good shape . We picked out a campsite put the camper on it and we were considered campers. One weekend with a six foot four husband, two girls , a dog, bikes, toys, lots and lots of food and beverages and anything else that we thought we might need we realized we needed a bigger camper if we wanted to be a seasonal camper. We decided we would look at trading the camper in on a bigger one and we would take it to trade it in where the people that we bought it off of bought it. The people that sold us the camper must of known that we were rookies because they sold us a camper with a salvaged title so the camper was worth nothing on a trade in. We came to find out that the camper had been in a hail storm and there was enough damage to the camper that the insurance company just paid the people off and then gave them a salvaged title. We were just furious, and didn't know what to do. I did a little research on the internet and realized that we had a right to demand our money back considering the people didn't tell us it had a salvaged title and we paid a lot more for it then it was worth. We have a friend that is a lawyer, so he sent the people a letter asking for our money back and by luck they returned our money and we returned the camper. One thing about the little adventure we went on was we knew that we loved to camp so we were off to find another camper. We now have a camper that we just love and am pretty sure it is big enough. It has two bedrooms and two push outs.By the time all of this happened camping season was over so we didn't get to spend a night to see how everything worked. . We have it sitting on a lot but, won't know if we will be able to keep it there until April 1st. We have our fingers crossed because it is a very nice lot. Once we know that we will be able to keep it there we are going to build a deck on it, then presto there is our summer home. WE CAN'T WAIT. We are also hoping to buy a pontoon sometime this summer. The girls just love to fish and Robin is in heaven being on a lake. Robin has a fishing boat that the motor is to big for this lake. (Of course).
This new adventure of ours started this September. We have friends that bought a camper and a pontoon this last summer. We ran into them one day and they invited us to there camp site and also took us a ride on there pontoon. Well, from that point we were hooked. The next thing we knew we were in the market for a camper. Being rookies at this we bought the first camper that we found. It was a fifth wheel camper and at the time it looked like it was plenty big enough. It was a older camper but was in very good shape . We picked out a campsite put the camper on it and we were considered campers. One weekend with a six foot four husband, two girls , a dog, bikes, toys, lots and lots of food and beverages and anything else that we thought we might need we realized we needed a bigger camper if we wanted to be a seasonal camper. We decided we would look at trading the camper in on a bigger one and we would take it to trade it in where the people that we bought it off of bought it. The people that sold us the camper must of known that we were rookies because they sold us a camper with a salvaged title so the camper was worth nothing on a trade in. We came to find out that the camper had been in a hail storm and there was enough damage to the camper that the insurance company just paid the people off and then gave them a salvaged title. We were just furious, and didn't know what to do. I did a little research on the internet and realized that we had a right to demand our money back considering the people didn't tell us it had a salvaged title and we paid a lot more for it then it was worth. We have a friend that is a lawyer, so he sent the people a letter asking for our money back and by luck they returned our money and we returned the camper. One thing about the little adventure we went on was we knew that we loved to camp so we were off to find another camper. We now have a camper that we just love and am pretty sure it is big enough. It has two bedrooms and two push outs.By the time all of this happened camping season was over so we didn't get to spend a night to see how everything worked. . We have it sitting on a lot but, won't know if we will be able to keep it there until April 1st. We have our fingers crossed because it is a very nice lot. Once we know that we will be able to keep it there we are going to build a deck on it, then presto there is our summer home. WE CAN'T WAIT. We are also hoping to buy a pontoon sometime this summer. The girls just love to fish and Robin is in heaven being on a lake. Robin has a fishing boat that the motor is to big for this lake. (Of course).
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A visit from Addison's friend

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